Breaking News: State to reinstate funding when work resumes
(Note: Just got this press release from the CSD... obviously, more details to come:
November 9, 2005
Three weeks after Los Osos district officials called
for work on the sewer project to resume, construction
is poised to restart.
The immediate work will focus on the collection and
disposal systems only, not the treatment facility.
In a letter received by the Los Osos Community
Services District on Nov. 4, the state water board
said it’s now willing to reinstate funding as soon as
work is renewed, said Dan Bleskey, interim
general manager.
“Although we ordered the contractors back to work
on Oct. 21, they felt that the state hadn’t given
adequate assurance of funding,” said Bleskey.
“Some of the contractors now feel that they have
that assurance or, at least, have a higher comfort
level with the state board’s intention.”
It will take a few days for the work order to take effect, he said.
“The construction crews need a couple of days to
mobilize and we need time to notify citizens in the
immediate work areas.
We’re also working with the treatment plant site
contractor to chart a course that satisfies state
requirements, respects Measure B and gives him
a detailed and clearly written work plan from the district.”
At the Tri-W property -- site of the treatment plant
that Measure B now requires to be relocated out of
town -- specific work areas are in the process of being
identified and a change-order will be issued to the
contract with Monterey Mechanical. The work
will be non-plant related, and is expected to
include run-off control and possible curb, gutter
and street improvements.
Barnard Construction, one of the pipe-collection system
contractors, will be the first to restart as soon as the
county permit requirements and other regulatory
obligations are satisfied. Whitaker Contractors, a local
firm, will return to work in phases.
In a related action, the CSD held a special meeting on
Monday to approve a resolution requested by the State
Water Resources Control Board. By adopting the
resolution, the CSD board reaffirmed its commitment to
the project and the terms of the recent state proposal.
The resolution, like the proposal, calls for work on the
collection and disposal systems to resume immediately,
but allows a maximum two-year extension on the treatment
facility and for a concurrent review of alternative technologies.
The CSD is on the water board’s Nov. 16 meeting agenda.
Construction is expected to resume within a week.
Schedules will be publicized in local newspapers, on the
district’s website at, on Los Osos
Charter Channel 20 and through weekly announcements
on KVEC 920 AM.
November 9, 2005
State to reinstate funding when work resumes; Los Osos on State Water Board’s Nov. 16 meeting agenda
Three weeks after Los Osos district officials called
for work on the sewer project to resume, construction
is poised to restart.
The immediate work will focus on the collection and
disposal systems only, not the treatment facility.
In a letter received by the Los Osos Community
Services District on Nov. 4, the state water board
said it’s now willing to reinstate funding as soon as
work is renewed, said Dan Bleskey, interim
general manager.
“Although we ordered the contractors back to work
on Oct. 21, they felt that the state hadn’t given
adequate assurance of funding,” said Bleskey.
“Some of the contractors now feel that they have
that assurance or, at least, have a higher comfort
level with the state board’s intention.”
It will take a few days for the work order to take effect, he said.
“The construction crews need a couple of days to
mobilize and we need time to notify citizens in the
immediate work areas.
We’re also working with the treatment plant site
contractor to chart a course that satisfies state
requirements, respects Measure B and gives him
a detailed and clearly written work plan from the district.”
At the Tri-W property -- site of the treatment plant
that Measure B now requires to be relocated out of
town -- specific work areas are in the process of being
identified and a change-order will be issued to the
contract with Monterey Mechanical. The work
will be non-plant related, and is expected to
include run-off control and possible curb, gutter
and street improvements.
Barnard Construction, one of the pipe-collection system
contractors, will be the first to restart as soon as the
county permit requirements and other regulatory
obligations are satisfied. Whitaker Contractors, a local
firm, will return to work in phases.
In a related action, the CSD held a special meeting on
Monday to approve a resolution requested by the State
Water Resources Control Board. By adopting the
resolution, the CSD board reaffirmed its commitment to
the project and the terms of the recent state proposal.
The resolution, like the proposal, calls for work on the
collection and disposal systems to resume immediately,
but allows a maximum two-year extension on the treatment
facility and for a concurrent review of alternative technologies.
The CSD is on the water board’s Nov. 16 meeting agenda.
Construction is expected to resume within a week.
Schedules will be publicized in local newspapers, on the
district’s website at
Charter Channel 20 and through weekly announcements
on KVEC 920 AM.
Thanks again Ron for your prompt delivery of REAL news. I hope that everyone that is totally FREAKED OUT by the Tribune articles of today will pursue ALTERNATIVE sources of news such as yours in order to get all sides of the issue. Thanks again, from a grateful reader.
Anonymous, at 12:51 PM, November 09, 2005
Um, the Tribune had this online about the same time that Ron did ... let's not bash them too hard for being a full 26 minutes later than Ron.
This is truly great news!
So, now the $40,000,000 question is whether the SRF money will continue to arrive as long as work continues at TriW and the collection systems.
I hope so.
Then, I hope that Measure B is determined to be illegal in nearly every way.
Essentially the negotiated agreement may be back on if the SWRCB signs on. If they don't, the SWRCB can hold us to making progress on TriW. This may give us a few months to study alternatives and attempt to convince the SWRCB that an out of town plant is viable. If it is, I hope they sign on and that the County and CCC sign on and that lawsuits by neigbors are somehow resolved quickly and cheaply.
If this lack of progress on the plant continues to drag on and on, we'll just be hurting ourselves.
The best news this week!
Shark Inlet, at 1:23 PM, November 09, 2005
In short:
By releasing a misleading news story to the media, the fine folks at the CSD are purposely purveying incorrect information in an attempt to manipulate the Public and the State. In other words, they are comitting a FRAUD.
Don't believe me. Well, just wait for the facts to become known.
Have a Great Day
signed, A Citizen in the Know
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM, November 09, 2005
Dear citizen in the know, You must be new around here, fraud is how we have been doing buisness for nearly 20 years.Its our signature government style! If you can't beat em- join em! Mike Green
Anonymous, at 6:13 PM, November 09, 2005
To Anonymous,
Afraid to Identify yourself, eh?
Bet I know who you are....
Autumn Patrick
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM, November 09, 2005
Hi All !
Ahhhh. Doubt me if you wish. Mock my words.
However, as the days go by it will be evident that the State has not resumed the loan nor support an altenative project outside of town.
This begs the question as to what drove the CSD to issue a news release with such blatantly untrue information.
Well, it is desperation time at the CSD as they flounder under the massive debt that they have accumulated in the last 5 weeks since taking office. They need the cash flow from the State loan in order to meet their financial obligations....even to meeet the next payroll.
But don't get me wrong. I think the new CSD fought a valiant fight; but futile. As the State has the money they will succeed in their position that the project will be built as originally designed and permitted (with the treatment plant at the Tri-W site)
So if you really wish to build a sewer elesewhere, just say no to the State, tell the State that we do not want or need their loan, and go through the 5 to 10 year process to design, fund and permit an entirely new project. Oh, but please stop the rhetoric that the new project will be cheaper and better. Be bold; be honest! Say it as it is...a new project will cost far more than the current one....and just be different.
But as I sense my comments are not welcome on this Blog, I say farewell!. The information I provide from the inside is not appreciated.
So long! Goood Bye! Peace!
signed, A Citizen in the Know
Anonymous, at 7:46 PM, November 09, 2005
So ... anonymous Citizen in the Know,
You are suggesting that Danny boy lied so that the contractors will start work on the hope that the state would start payments back up after the construction starts. They've hinted that they might.
If this is the case, you are asking us to believe that Dan is involved in criminal actions. I have a hard time believing that this new guy, someone who doesn't live in the area and could frankly care less where his next paycheck is coming from would cut corners and possibly ruin his career just to keep things going well here. This is not a risk I would be willing to take, even if I had the inclination to lie.
I am sort of a doubting person (read some of the other comments from me to verify this) and while I think your story sounds plausible I am unwilling to believe it outright.
In any case, please don't leave just because some doubt you. If you are interested in providing information from the inside (as it were), we would be interested in reading, even if it makes us uncomfortable.
Shark Inlet, at 8:21 PM, November 09, 2005
Have any of you seen the CSD Resumption of work letters of Nov 8. If so, compare the Resumption letter, today's Tribune quotes about the start up, the CSD's "Construction Restarts" news release of today, and the October 21 CSD's "Revocation of Suspension of Work". Draw your own conclusions!
Anonymous, at 9:07 PM, November 09, 2005
Are the resumption of work letters online? If so, where? If not, where can a person find them?
Anonymous, at 5:29 AM, November 10, 2005
See CSD office for Resumption letters!
Anonymous, at 7:59 AM, November 10, 2005
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