What has it been now, three days? Not a single article on the Telegram Trivial about the most expensive public works project in the county deciding the most contested part sans location?
Congalton has been sitting on his lazy ass for years now. KVEC is waiting till his contract is up then bam! out the door for this lefty slug. Great pic Ron!
Looks like you are digging the resting place for that guy right behind you!
RIP Sun Bulletin.
One down, nine to go.
Mike Green, at 4:13 PM, April 10, 2009
What has it been now, three days?
Not a single article on the Telegram Trivial about the most expensive public works project in the county deciding the most contested part sans location?
Start shovelin Ron, it's a huge coverup.
Man Do they SUCK!
Mike Green, at 9:05 PM, April 10, 2009
Perfect! You are directly on target.
This Picture "says it all"!
Watershed Mark, at 4:58 PM, April 11, 2009
Yeah Ron "___ ___" Crawford, "What have you done for us lately" whaaaa...
What are you prepared to do, except whine?
Watershed Mark, at 8:34 AM, April 14, 2009
The picture truly is worth a thousand words. Bwa-hahahahah.
Churadogs, at 6:56 AM, April 17, 2009
Congalton has been sitting on his lazy ass for years now.
KVEC is waiting till his contract is up then bam! out the door for this lefty slug.
Great pic Ron!
NO, at 11:49 AM, May 20, 2009
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