What happens to the Los Osos property owners that don't hook-up to the sewer?
[Note: I originally sent the following email to, John Waddell, SLO County government project manager for the Los Osos sewer project, on 2/25/16, and cc'd it to several local media-types. Waddell never replied (again), and the media never asked one question or typed one keystroke involving this extremely important question.]
Hello John,
I'm researching a story, and I was just reading Peter Johnson's interesting article in New Times, at this link:
... where he writes:
"Property owners have a cushion of six months to complete the work (of hooking up to the sewer) after receiving the notice."
That gets back to a question that I've been trying to get answered for a few years now, yet, I still don't have an answer, and the question is getting more and more pressing.
Again, my question involves this:
Property owners have a cushion of six months to complete the work (of hooking up to the sewer) after receiving the notice, or else... what?
What happens to the property owners (plural [and there are probably going to be many]) that -- for whatever reason (but, mainly, they can't afford it) -- simply refuse to hook up?
What ultimately happens to those people? Is that "forced out of their homes at gun-point by SLO County Sheriffs" time?
I mean, is there another option?
Again, I've been trying to get this questioned answered for about the past four or five years now, so, please, someone from the county, please answer:
What ultimately happens to the LOPZ property owners that refuse to hook up to the sewer?
As always, much thanks,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
How about asking the Regional Water Quality Control Board? They probably don't know who you are these days so they might answer.
Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky, at 11:39 PM, April 02, 2016
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