Grand Jury Investigation Update
For the ones of people that care, here's an update on my call for a Grand Jury investigation into the LOCSD from 1999-2005:
Last week I received a letter from the GJ saying that they received my Citizen's Complaint Form. The letter goes on to say that "the Grand Jury's review of this matter does not mean that we will conduct a full investigation into your complaint, and that I "may not receive any further communication from the Grand Jury."
Which is too bad, because I already want to add a recent e-mail from Coastal Commission staff member, Steve Monowitz, to my complaint.
In that e-mail, I asked Monowitz two questions:
1) Was the the Coastal Commission ever told by the LOCSD about their own $28,000, 2001 Public Opinion Survey that showed almost zero support for the idea of including a public park at the site of the sewer plant?
2) Was the CC ever told by the LOCSD about Measures E-97 and D-97, both failed, that showed that Los Osos taxpayers didn't want to pay for public recreation anywhere in Los Osos, let alone a multi-million dollar park in a sewer plant?
His response was:
"The answer to both questions is not that I am aware of."
Therefore, around 2000-01, the District deliberately misled the Coastal Commission by withholding critical information from the Commission regarding the rationale behind the Tri-W siting, at the same time that the District was telling the Commission that there was a "strongly held community value" to include a multi-million dollar park in the sewer plant and then have that park dictate the Tri-W location. According to Monowitz, the District also told the Commission before the Coastal Plan amendment that allowed a sewer plant at Tri-W, that the park amenities were "essential components" of the project.
The Grand Jury letter concludes, "the grand jury cannot communicate the results of investigations to you personally. Reports are available to the public when published, generally at the conclusion of the Grand Jury's term in June."
I'll post updates as they become available.
Last week I received a letter from the GJ saying that they received my Citizen's Complaint Form. The letter goes on to say that "the Grand Jury's review of this matter does not mean that we will conduct a full investigation into your complaint, and that I "may not receive any further communication from the Grand Jury."
Which is too bad, because I already want to add a recent e-mail from Coastal Commission staff member, Steve Monowitz, to my complaint.
In that e-mail, I asked Monowitz two questions:
1) Was the the Coastal Commission ever told by the LOCSD about their own $28,000, 2001 Public Opinion Survey that showed almost zero support for the idea of including a public park at the site of the sewer plant?
2) Was the CC ever told by the LOCSD about Measures E-97 and D-97, both failed, that showed that Los Osos taxpayers didn't want to pay for public recreation anywhere in Los Osos, let alone a multi-million dollar park in a sewer plant?
His response was:
"The answer to both questions is not that I am aware of."
Therefore, around 2000-01, the District deliberately misled the Coastal Commission by withholding critical information from the Commission regarding the rationale behind the Tri-W siting, at the same time that the District was telling the Commission that there was a "strongly held community value" to include a multi-million dollar park in the sewer plant and then have that park dictate the Tri-W location. According to Monowitz, the District also told the Commission before the Coastal Plan amendment that allowed a sewer plant at Tri-W, that the park amenities were "essential components" of the project.
The Grand Jury letter concludes, "the grand jury cannot communicate the results of investigations to you personally. Reports are available to the public when published, generally at the conclusion of the Grand Jury's term in June."
I'll post updates as they become available.
I cannot believe that you have concocted an entire website out of a single little article in a backwater freebee rag several years ago, and think you should still be cashing in on it.
Your analysis of the LOCSD project sonce day one, has been to hammer away at the park aspect of the design, ignoring the fact that the Coastal Commission and other agencies involved required this park, as part of their approval.
You of course, decided you would fixate on the park, and decided entirely on your own that this was, (mistakenly so) a PARK with a sewer facility attached.
How upside-down can you be?
Whether or not you like it or anybody in Los Osos likes it, this damned sewer is going to be built, regardless of horse's-patoots like you, or Calhoun or any of your wild-eyed compatriots. It will be built by the County or the State, but it will be BUILT. And, since the permits just HAPPEN to be already in place, and since TRI-W was the site already approved by everybody from God-Almighty on down
the line, it will be built on TRI-W.
So, have your little hissy-fit now, and get it over with because it is going to happen.
And I might add, the sooner the better, then you can shut the hell up.
Anonymous, at 7:28 PM, August 18, 2006
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