The SewerWatch "Rally to Erode Public Trust"
Part I: Supervisor Gibson's "Mistake"
[Hey, if Stewart can have his "Rally to Restore Sanity," and Colbert can have his "Rally to Keep Fear Alive," I can have my "Rally to Erode Public Trust."]
TO: Bruce Gibson, SLO County Supervisor, District 2
DATE: 10/11/10
Dear Supervisor Gibson,
I'm researching a story, and I just have a couple of quick questions involving one of your comments at the 10/5/10 Supervisors' meeting.
At that meeting, you said that you find it "offensive" when Los Osos residents, during the public comment portion of the meeting, talk about untrustworthy County officials, and then you asked, "Where's the evidence?"
Considering that I've reported on the Los Osos sewer story since 1990, with various newspapers as a reporter and editor, and now on my blog for the past 5-plus years, I actually CAN provide you with evidence -- very specific evidence -- that shows that, indeed, weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding things DO happen when it comes to SLO County officials, and the Los Osos wastewater project.
I have several very, very specific pieces of evidence that shows that, and I'll be getting to the rest of that evidence in future posts, however, for my current story, I'd like to focus on just one piece of evidence: You.
One of my favorite pieces of evidence that shows, clearly, that weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding things happens when it comes to SLO County officials, and the Los Osos wastewater project, comes from you.
It's something you did at the August 7, 2007 Supervisors meeting, and that I first reported on at this link:
You probably remember that 2007 meeting. That was the meeting when the development permit for the Los Osos CSD's former sewer "project" -- the "Tri-W" project, that the LOCSD spent some $25 million and six years (1999 - 2005) developing, yet didn't even come close to making it to the short-list of county-preferred projects -- was set to expire.
The County had the option of requesting an extension for that permit (by simply filling out a little bit of paperwork), or just letting it expire.
Every official associated with that permit was saying, "Just let it expire."
And when I say, every official was saying that, I mean EVERY official: The California Coastal Commission, the Commission's staff, your own public works staff (including Paavo Ogren), AND every other member of the SLO County Board of Supervisors were all one massive chorus, on August 7, 2007, "Just let the Tri-W development permit expire."
However, at that meeting, you were not in that chorus.
You free-styled a solo at that meeting. And, thanks to an official Public Records Act request that I did with the County about a year ago, I now have a copy of that solo.
And that free-styled solo is the specific evidence I mention above, that shows that, when it comes to SLO County officials and the Los Osos wastewater project, weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding things clearly happen.
That "solo" is in the form of an unsent letter, drafted by you, and that I've recently, and for the first time, made available for public download at this link:
Do you remember that letter?
That's the letter, addressed to California Coastal Commission staff, that you drafted at the 11th hour for the August 7, 2007 meeting, and attempted to get your fellow Supervisors to approve.
That letter countered everything that every official everywhere was saying about the Tri-W permit, and in the strangest way.
In that letter, you write, "... we (the SLO County Board of Supervisors) suggest, however, that the Coastal Commission, of its own accord, defer the (Tri-W) permit's expiration until a final project determination is made..."
So, look at what you're asking there, it's so bizarre:
As I've reported, nearly $8 million and four years worth of careful SLO County analysis has now shown the Tri-W project to be the exact embarrassing disaster that I first reported it to be (six years ago, and something, apparently, that every other official already knew at that August 7 meeting. That's WHY they were all one big chorus).
But with your letter, you were asking your fellow Supervisors to support extending that disaster's permit by, of all things, throwing the entire matter back in the laps of the Coastal Commission -- a Commission (and staff) that, obviously, no longer wanted anything to do with that disastrous permit.
So, I have to ask:
That letter makes no sense whatsoever. It's completely inexplicable. And it goes right to the heart of the entire Los Osos sewer controversy.
As I'm sure you remember, not ONE of your fellow Supervisors supported you on that letter (nor even your own public works staff, who was, frankly, blind-sided at that meeting with that letter, like everyone else), and, after much embarrassment for you, you publicly withdrew the letter on the spot, and called the entire incident a "mistake" (that's your own word, Supervisor Gibson, to describe what you did at that meeting), and, in the end, your Board voted 5-0 to let the permit for the Tri-W disaster simply, and wisely, die on the vine -- a permit that the 1999 - 2005 Los Osos CSD spent (read: wasted) six years and $25 million acquiring.
So, if you want to see "evidence" that shows that weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding things happen when it comes to SLO County officials and the Los Osos wastewater project, grab a mirror.
The evidence is you. You and that inexplicable letter.
Here's my question (that I already know you will not answer, because I've asked it in the past, and you've never answered it, further eroding public trust, but, if you were to answer it now, I'd really appreciate it):
What inspired you to draft that nonsensical, 11th hour letter? What prompted it?
I mean, are we to believe that you just woke up in the wee hours of the morning on August 7, 2007, and said to yourself, "Hey, I have a great idea! I'm going to pop out, all by myself, without any input from anyone else, a letter for today's meeting, that counters everything every official is saying about the Tri-W permit?"
Yeah... see how that doesn't make sense?
I want to show you a scenario where that letter actually does make sense, and this scenario further erodes public trust -- erosion that you find "offensive."
This scenario involves your current appointment to the SLO County Parks Commission, Pandora Nash-Karner.
As I hope you know, Nash-Karner is also the mother of the Tri-W project, when she launched that disaster as vice-president of the LOCSD, beginning in 1999.
Throughout the next six years Nash-Karner, after her days as LOCSD vice-president, actually went on to form official Political Action Committees dedicated to getting her Tri-W project built.
Immediately following the 2005 LOCSD recall election, that finally put a stop to Nash-Karner's Tri-W disaster, Nash-Karner writes in correspondence with officials associated with her project, "Please... is there any way to salvage the (Tri-W) project??????????????????," and, "We MUST save this (Tri-W) project!"
Your current Parks Commissioner also went so far as to actually develop and implement a "strategy" (her word) to have the entire town of Los Osos "fined out of existence" (also her words), solely, and in a desperate effort, to save her Tri-W project.
I first reported on your Parks Commissioner's "strategy" at this link:
I first published that story on May 13, 2006.
So, to be clear, and further erode public trust, you appointed Nash-Karner to the Parks Commission AFTER I reported that she develop and then implemented a "strategy" (her word) to have the entire town of Los Osos "fined out of existence."
I focused on that extremely interesting "sequence" of events at this link:
As I've also reported many times, Nash-Karner public endorsed, and financially supported your campaigns in both the 2006 and 2010 elections.
So, Bruce, let me ask you: If you lived in Los Osos, which scenario would seem more probable to you?:
You, Supervisor Gibson, woke up in the wee hours of the morning on August 7, 2007, and, out of the blue, said to yourself, "Hey, I have a great idea! I'm going to pop out, all by myself, without any input from anyone else, a letter for today's meeting, that counters everything every official is saying about the Tri-W permit, and then try to get my fellow Supervisors to approve it."
That letter was a result of some weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding collusion between you and your Parks Commissioner, in a desperate (and, ultimately, highly embarrassing for you) effort to save your Parks Commissioner's Tri-W project -- a Parks Commissioner that publicly and financially supported your campaigns, and was desperate (for highly suspicious reasons) to save her Tri-W project.
Unlike scenario #1, scenario #2 makes perfect sense.
By the way, "Only (9-percent) of (Prohibition Zone) respondents chose the mid-town (Tri-W) location (as their preferred location for the sewer plant)," according to the County's Los Osos Wastewater Project Community Advisory Survey, March 27, 2009.
Finally, you know what else further erodes public trust, Bruce? When you say that you're "offended" by allegations that County officials are untrustworthy, when you do things like your bizarre, nonsensical, embarrassing, public-trust-eroding "mistake" of August 7, 2007.
Now, that's offensive.
P.S. I've published this e-mail on my blog, of course:
To read an excellent report on the above-mentioned 10/5/10 Supervisors' meeting, check out Ann Calhoun's great blog, Calhoun's Can(n)ons, at this link:
[41 weeks down... 11 to go.]
TO: Bruce Gibson, SLO County Supervisor, District 2
DATE: 10/11/10
Dear Supervisor Gibson,
I'm researching a story, and I just have a couple of quick questions involving one of your comments at the 10/5/10 Supervisors' meeting.
At that meeting, you said that you find it "offensive" when Los Osos residents, during the public comment portion of the meeting, talk about untrustworthy County officials, and then you asked, "Where's the evidence?"
Considering that I've reported on the Los Osos sewer story since 1990, with various newspapers as a reporter and editor, and now on my blog for the past 5-plus years, I actually CAN provide you with evidence -- very specific evidence -- that shows that, indeed, weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding things DO happen when it comes to SLO County officials, and the Los Osos wastewater project.
I have several very, very specific pieces of evidence that shows that, and I'll be getting to the rest of that evidence in future posts, however, for my current story, I'd like to focus on just one piece of evidence: You.
One of my favorite pieces of evidence that shows, clearly, that weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding things happens when it comes to SLO County officials, and the Los Osos wastewater project, comes from you.
It's something you did at the August 7, 2007 Supervisors meeting, and that I first reported on at this link:
You probably remember that 2007 meeting. That was the meeting when the development permit for the Los Osos CSD's former sewer "project" -- the "Tri-W" project, that the LOCSD spent some $25 million and six years (1999 - 2005) developing, yet didn't even come close to making it to the short-list of county-preferred projects -- was set to expire.
The County had the option of requesting an extension for that permit (by simply filling out a little bit of paperwork), or just letting it expire.
Every official associated with that permit was saying, "Just let it expire."
And when I say, every official was saying that, I mean EVERY official: The California Coastal Commission, the Commission's staff, your own public works staff (including Paavo Ogren), AND every other member of the SLO County Board of Supervisors were all one massive chorus, on August 7, 2007, "Just let the Tri-W development permit expire."
However, at that meeting, you were not in that chorus.
You free-styled a solo at that meeting. And, thanks to an official Public Records Act request that I did with the County about a year ago, I now have a copy of that solo.
And that free-styled solo is the specific evidence I mention above, that shows that, when it comes to SLO County officials and the Los Osos wastewater project, weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding things clearly happen.
That "solo" is in the form of an unsent letter, drafted by you, and that I've recently, and for the first time, made available for public download at this link:
Do you remember that letter?
That's the letter, addressed to California Coastal Commission staff, that you drafted at the 11th hour for the August 7, 2007 meeting, and attempted to get your fellow Supervisors to approve.
That letter countered everything that every official everywhere was saying about the Tri-W permit, and in the strangest way.
In that letter, you write, "... we (the SLO County Board of Supervisors) suggest, however, that the Coastal Commission, of its own accord, defer the (Tri-W) permit's expiration until a final project determination is made..."
So, look at what you're asking there, it's so bizarre:
As I've reported, nearly $8 million and four years worth of careful SLO County analysis has now shown the Tri-W project to be the exact embarrassing disaster that I first reported it to be (six years ago, and something, apparently, that every other official already knew at that August 7 meeting. That's WHY they were all one big chorus).
But with your letter, you were asking your fellow Supervisors to support extending that disaster's permit by, of all things, throwing the entire matter back in the laps of the Coastal Commission -- a Commission (and staff) that, obviously, no longer wanted anything to do with that disastrous permit.
So, I have to ask:
That letter makes no sense whatsoever. It's completely inexplicable. And it goes right to the heart of the entire Los Osos sewer controversy.
As I'm sure you remember, not ONE of your fellow Supervisors supported you on that letter (nor even your own public works staff, who was, frankly, blind-sided at that meeting with that letter, like everyone else), and, after much embarrassment for you, you publicly withdrew the letter on the spot, and called the entire incident a "mistake" (that's your own word, Supervisor Gibson, to describe what you did at that meeting), and, in the end, your Board voted 5-0 to let the permit for the Tri-W disaster simply, and wisely, die on the vine -- a permit that the 1999 - 2005 Los Osos CSD spent (read: wasted) six years and $25 million acquiring.
So, if you want to see "evidence" that shows that weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding things happen when it comes to SLO County officials and the Los Osos wastewater project, grab a mirror.
The evidence is you. You and that inexplicable letter.
Here's my question (that I already know you will not answer, because I've asked it in the past, and you've never answered it, further eroding public trust, but, if you were to answer it now, I'd really appreciate it):
What inspired you to draft that nonsensical, 11th hour letter? What prompted it?
I mean, are we to believe that you just woke up in the wee hours of the morning on August 7, 2007, and said to yourself, "Hey, I have a great idea! I'm going to pop out, all by myself, without any input from anyone else, a letter for today's meeting, that counters everything every official is saying about the Tri-W permit?"
Yeah... see how that doesn't make sense?
I want to show you a scenario where that letter actually does make sense, and this scenario further erodes public trust -- erosion that you find "offensive."
This scenario involves your current appointment to the SLO County Parks Commission, Pandora Nash-Karner.
As I hope you know, Nash-Karner is also the mother of the Tri-W project, when she launched that disaster as vice-president of the LOCSD, beginning in 1999.
Throughout the next six years Nash-Karner, after her days as LOCSD vice-president, actually went on to form official Political Action Committees dedicated to getting her Tri-W project built.
Immediately following the 2005 LOCSD recall election, that finally put a stop to Nash-Karner's Tri-W disaster, Nash-Karner writes in correspondence with officials associated with her project, "Please... is there any way to salvage the (Tri-W) project??????????????????," and, "We MUST save this (Tri-W) project!"
Your current Parks Commissioner also went so far as to actually develop and implement a "strategy" (her word) to have the entire town of Los Osos "fined out of existence" (also her words), solely, and in a desperate effort, to save her Tri-W project.
I first reported on your Parks Commissioner's "strategy" at this link:
I first published that story on May 13, 2006.
So, to be clear, and further erode public trust, you appointed Nash-Karner to the Parks Commission AFTER I reported that she develop and then implemented a "strategy" (her word) to have the entire town of Los Osos "fined out of existence."
I focused on that extremely interesting "sequence" of events at this link:
As I've also reported many times, Nash-Karner public endorsed, and financially supported your campaigns in both the 2006 and 2010 elections.
So, Bruce, let me ask you: If you lived in Los Osos, which scenario would seem more probable to you?:
You, Supervisor Gibson, woke up in the wee hours of the morning on August 7, 2007, and, out of the blue, said to yourself, "Hey, I have a great idea! I'm going to pop out, all by myself, without any input from anyone else, a letter for today's meeting, that counters everything every official is saying about the Tri-W permit, and then try to get my fellow Supervisors to approve it."
That letter was a result of some weird, behind-the-scenes, public-trust-eroding collusion between you and your Parks Commissioner, in a desperate (and, ultimately, highly embarrassing for you) effort to save your Parks Commissioner's Tri-W project -- a Parks Commissioner that publicly and financially supported your campaigns, and was desperate (for highly suspicious reasons) to save her Tri-W project.
Unlike scenario #1, scenario #2 makes perfect sense.
By the way, "Only (9-percent) of (Prohibition Zone) respondents chose the mid-town (Tri-W) location (as their preferred location for the sewer plant)," according to the County's Los Osos Wastewater Project Community Advisory Survey, March 27, 2009.
Finally, you know what else further erodes public trust, Bruce? When you say that you're "offended" by allegations that County officials are untrustworthy, when you do things like your bizarre, nonsensical, embarrassing, public-trust-eroding "mistake" of August 7, 2007.
Now, that's offensive.
P.S. I've published this e-mail on my blog, of course:
To read an excellent report on the above-mentioned 10/5/10 Supervisors' meeting, check out Ann Calhoun's great blog, Calhoun's Can(n)ons, at this link:
[41 weeks down... 11 to go.]
This posting led me to search for your March 5, 2008, story in which you say:
..."just a few weeks ago, after Supervisors that actually care about Los Osos, like Katcho Achadjian and Jim Patterson, directed County staff to draft a resolution intended to show official County support for 45 randomly selected households in Los Osos that have gone through a horrific, health-jeopardizing, two-year-long enforcement action by the local Water Board, only to have County staff, namely, former LOCSD Interim General Manager (hired by Nash-Karner), Paavo Ogren, use that proposed resolution (and therefore use those 45 households) to play the 'Los Osos Sewer Train Wreck Blame Game,' then, AFTER listening to one CDO holder after another beg the Board to NOT pass Ogren's terribly worded resolution, Gibson couldn't motion fast enough to PASS the hastily written resolution -- a resolution that called the post-recall LOCSD Board a 'failure' for NOT building the wildly unpopular, illegal, waaaaay unnecessarily expensive, environmentally disastrous Tri-W Project.
Fortunately for the citizens of Los Osos, there are people like Achadjian and Patterson on the Board of Supervisors, and Ogren's terribly worded resolution -- where he, and Gibson, attempted to use the 45 CDOers to officially play the blame game for the Tri-W disaster -- did not pass."
I was present at that BOS meeting and felt betrayed, outraged, and grossly offended by what was proposed originally to assist us.
In that post you go on to say:
"If you ask me, the worst part about Ogren and Gibson using the 45 CDO households to officially play the blame game (because they favor people like Roger Briggs, lead staff guy at the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and Pandora Nash-Karner, over the citizens of Los Osos) when they popped out that terribly worded resolution a few weeks back -- that was originally intended to support those 45 households -- is that now, BECAUSE they tried to play the blame game with the language in that resolution, those 45 households don't have the official backing of the County today.
To put it another way: If Gibson and Ogren had NOT tried to play the blame game with that resolution, then it would have easily passed, but since they decided to use those 45 households to try and officially blame the post-recall LOCSD Board for the sewer train wreck, by calling them a 'failure,' (and, of course, that led to yet another barrage of outraged public comment types), those 45 households don't have the County's official support. And that's too bad, because they could sure use that document right around now.
A disgusted Supervisor Achadjian, at that meeting, directed Ogren to bring the resolution back at a later date, 'without all of the blame' language.
Maybe I have been out to lunch, but I am not aware that the Gibson/Ogren resolution has made a return appearance. In that regard there's one last pertinent comment in the March 5, 2008, posting:
"Hello Paavo,
What's the status of the proposed resolution intended to support the CDO holders in Los Osos?
Is it being re-worded?
When is it coming before the Supervisors again?
WILL it come before the Supervisors again?
Thank you in advance for your prompt response,
- - -
I've followed/covered SLO County Government since about 1990, and I've never seen anything like it -- Supervisors OUTSIDE of a District care more about the people in that District than that District's own Supervisor... if ya follow."
Sorry to have quoted so much of your text, but it is timely in this context.
Bev. De Witt-Moylan, at 5:16 PM, October 11, 2010
All that and more, Mr. Gibson. Mr. Gibson, do you think everyone is stupid, I mean, mind-tricked? While I admit, there are only a few of us that are not mind-tricked but just because you are doesn't mean that everyone doesn't know what goes down. And by the way, were David Edge and Gail Wilcox called County Officials? I could go on but space is limited.
Commentary, at 8:46 PM, October 11, 2010
Bev writes:
"Sorry to have quoted so much of your text..."
Are you kiddin? No need to apologize there. You just made my day.
To see that a reader not only remembers that excellent, nails-tight, exclusive content, but puts it in perfect context with the subject matter at hand?
Ahhhhh... that warms me soul.
Bev so brilliantly writes:
"Maybe I have been out to lunch, but I am not aware that the Gibson/Ogren resolution has made a return appearance. "
No, Bev, you haven't been out to lunch, because, that is an awesome, beautiful, public-trust-eroding observation! (Welcome to my Rally ; -)
To make this whole Bruce/Public Trust/Offensive thing even more nauseous, if you listen closely to that 10/5/10 meeting, right after (or maybe right before) he whines about being "offended" by people calling him out for his weird, behind-the-scenes collusion, he actually says something like, "Hey, a few years ago, I tried to bring a Resolution (to help the CDOers)."
Considering my material that Bev so brilliantly copied-and-pasted above, I just don't know what to say here, other than that makes me sick. It's nauseating.
Hey, Bruce, you mean the Resolution that one CDOer after another beg you to NOT adopt because it was so terribly, public-trust-erodingly worded, yet, when it came back to you, you couldn't motion fast enough to pass it? (Thank god for Supervisors that actually listen to citizens, like Katcho and Patterson, or Bruce's scammy, behind-the-scenes-y, public-trust-eroding-y Resolution would have actually passed.)
You mean THAT public-trust-eroding Resolution, Bruce? The Resolution that called the post-recall LOCSD Board "failures" for not building the Tri-W disaster.
Friggin' Heroes!... you confused, behavior-based-marketed moron.
From my story above:
"... BECAUSE they tried to play the blame game with the language in that resolution, those 45 households don't have the official backing of the County today."
What a beautiful, beautiful public-trust-eroding take.
Bev? Bruce and Paavo actually USED you and the rest of the CDOers, to play the blame game. How very, very sickeningly public-trust-eroding.
By the way, Bev, Paavo never answered my simple, excellent, now-two-plus-years-old question, of course.
And, Bev's not alone in her brilliance.
Commentary so brilliantly writes:
"... but just because you (Gibson) are (Jedi mind-tricked) doesn't mean that everyone doesn't know what goes down."
You know what sucks? He didn't face any real competition in this last election, and I'm the only "media" that really reports on him.
I do wonder: Had the other local media picked up my stories, and ALSO showed that Bruce engages in scammy, behind-the-scenes collusion when it comes to the sewer project, would he have been reelected?
Heck, with that kind of press, even Olhylski could have beat him.
And now Bruce and his Parks Commissioner are around for another four years.
"Celebrate Los Osos!"
Ron, at 9:30 AM, October 12, 2010
Great rope trick (skill actually) Ron! It’ll be great watching the SLOCO folks wrestling with the most watched wastewater debacle in the history of the world.
Should Brown succeed and become Governor (again), perhaps he can do what he was unable to do as Attorney General and protect and defend the Constitution, thereby the interests of the people from tyranny by bureaucracy.
I don’t think that many government official elected and unelected (Paavo) realize just how much they are being watched. I can hardly wait until Hutchinson returns to the storm water issues he was so proud of in 2008. Too bad the economy just couldn’t co-operate with the SLOCO agenda. A falling tide lowers all boats, while exposing the gators…Gibson will be made to answer for his deeds-
Watershed Mark, at 6:51 PM, October 12, 2010
Watershed Mark, at 7:03 PM, October 12, 2010
Mark sez:"Should Brown succeed and become Governor (again), perhaps he can do what he was unable to do as Attorney General and protect and defend the Constitution, thereby the interests of the people from tyranny by bureaucracy."
Uh, wrong word there. Should be "UNWILLING" not "unable."
And "Gibson will be made to answer for his deeds-"
Naw. never happen.
Churadogs, at 6:55 AM, October 13, 2010
In Mr. Gibson's defense he does not live in Los Osos. His unfortunate impressions of us appear to rely on limited experience with us in the political arena.
Truth be told, Los Osos has some public officials of its own who have used the public forum to label those who disagree with them as "obstructionists" and worse.
I have witnessed on more than one occasion a Los Osos CSD director publicly malign constituents who hold differing or opposing views on the LO sewer project and process.
That kind of modeling by local elected officials could serve to form his expectations, confirm his prejudices, and support any propensity Mr. Gibson might have to stifle debate.
Those expectations, prejudices, and propensities would naturally inform his statements and actions in regard to Los Osos. Add in "behavior based marketing" and you have a toxic brew.
Bev. De Witt-Moylan, at 5:47 AM, October 14, 2010
Bev writes:
"Those expectations, prejudices, and propensities would naturally inform his statements and actions in regard to Los Osos. Add in "behavior based marketing" and you have a toxic brew."
I argue that "those expectations, prejudices, and propensities" are ALSO due SOLELY to Pandora's "behavior based marketing," of course. Why else would they exist? Because the Tri-W disaster was such a sound project? That's certainly not the reason.
The only reason "those expectations, prejudices, and propensities" exist is because Pandora behavior based marketed those people, too.
Maria Kelly? Compared to Sewertoons, Gordon Hensley, Richard LeGros, Joyce Albright, and Bruce, she might be the most behavior based marketed of them all, and that's saying something.
So, if Bruce is just getting nothing but a steady diet of behavior based marketing -- in a collusion-y, behind-the-scenes-y, prublic-trust-eroding-y way -- and he is, then he MAY, indeed, not know about all of the excellent evidence I have (like Gibson's "mistake" letter) that shows the people in Los Osos shouldn't trust County government at all when it comes to the sewer project, and he's just not aware of it.
So, it's a very good thing that my main post here was just "Part 1" of my "Rally to Erode Public Trust."
Wait'll you sees Part 2. As hard as it is to imagine, it's even better,
And by the time I get to, oh, let's say, Part 5, there just might be next to zero public trust in Los Osos in the county's sewer development process.
Then we'll see how much luck Bruce and Paavo have in their scammy, collusion-filled process.
Ron, at 9:11 AM, October 14, 2010
Here's my guess: by the time you get to Part 5 and ZERO public trust, the sewer will already have been built and any requests for 'splaining will be dismissed with, "Oh, that's soooo yesterday. Time to move on."
Churadogs, at 6:47 AM, October 31, 2010
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