Hilarious Dynamic On Display in Los Osos
Now that the County of San Luis Obispo has just spent three years and some $6 million proving my reporting over the past four years right -- specifically, that there is no rationale whatsoever to build a sewer plant in the middle of Los Osos -- I'm starting to see a funny dynamic emerge.
It's this...
On one hand, every single official document coming out of the county these days regarding a sewer system for Los Osos, shows that the "Tri-W" project -- a plan for a mid-town "sewer-park" that the 1998 - 2005 Los Osos Community Services District spent over $20 million and seven years developing -- was a a terrible project, on every level, just like I reported it to be, beginning in 2004.
Then, there's the other hand, and here's where that dynamic gets great.
On the other hand, there are the people that either supported the nonsensical Tri-W project, or, much worse, were directly responsible for its development, and they still reside in Los Osos.
Which means, of course, that, today, the people that were responsible for the Tri-W project, and continue to reside in Los Osos, in the face of all of the recent official evidence, still have to... they are forced to... stick with their original Big Lie -- that their mid-town Tri-W "sewer-park," that they spent over $20 million and seven years developing, was a good idea -- that there actually WAS sound rationale behind their project, when, as I have repeatedly shown, there wasn't, and every county document produced on this matter over the past three years proves me 100-percent right.
It's the nature of a cover up -- once you're locked into it, you have to commit to it, even after you've been officially shown wrong.
Which brings us to today, and it's hilarious. The people that either supported or developed the nonsensical Tri-W project, now have to continue to defend their decisions, when there's a mountain of official evidence that shows they were wrong.
Call it a "guilty pleasure," but I can't tell you how much entertainment value I'm getting by watching this play out.
For example, in the comments section of Ann Calhoun's excellent blog, an anonymous, long-time, pro Tri-W honk, with the handle of "Sewertoons," recently wrote:
"That is why I like Tri-W - in town, not expandable - oh, and cheaper."
Here's why that's hilarious:
The Tri-W project, when scrutinized by objective officials (read: NOT 1998 - 2005 LOCSD officials), didn't even make the short list for potential projects.
Furthermore, the National Water Resources Institute, comprised of some of the top water quality professionals in the world, were unanimous: "Given the number of problematic issues with the downtown site (Tri-W), it is the unanimous opinion of the Panel that an out-of-town site(s) is a better alternative."
So, when a Tri-W project developer/supporter, these days, says something like, "That is why I like Tri-W - in town, not expandable - oh, and cheaper," what they are also saying is that every SLO County official is wrong, and every NWRI member is wrong, and they (in this pathetic case, an anonymous blog commenter with the handle of "SewerToons") are right.
To add to the hilarity, nowadays, the only people willing to stick their necks out for the failed Tri-W project, ARE anonymous commenters on blogs... which is exactly what they will do in the comments section below this post. I already know they will, because they have to.
They HAVE TO keep the Big Lie going.
Without it, it will immediately become clear to everyone that the 1998 - 2005 Los Osos CSD wasted over $20 million and seven years on a technological embarrassment, and ripped the town apart in the process.
Also, without the continuation of the Big Lie in some form -- not only am I shown right, but also that the recall of the elected officials responsible for the Tri-W project in 2005 was the exact right thing to do, and the stoppage of the Tri-W project by the officials that replaced the recalled three, was also, the exact right thing to do.
And the people that developed the Tri-W project can never let that happen... at any cost.
They will never be able to say, "Whoa, what were we thinking? A 'sewer-park' in the middle of Los Osos? What a dumb idea."
They can never say something like that... ever.
So, just to emphasize the hilarity that's about to ensue in the comments section below, I'm going to copy-and-paste some of the bio information for the NWRI members, that brilliantly concluded, "Given the number of problematic issues with the downtown site (Tri-W), it is the unanimous opinion of the Panel that an out-of-town site(s) is a better alternative.":
GEORGE TCHOBANOGLOUS, PH.D., P.E.: For over 35 years, wastewater expert George Tchobanoglous has taught courses on water and wastewater treatment and solid waste management at the University of California, Davis, where he is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
BLAKE P. ANDERSON, P.E.: Blake Anderson is an independent consultant specializing in strategic planning, describing environmental public policy, drafting public policy, providing senior level planning advice on public infrastructure decision-making, organizational development, facilitating conflict resolution and addressing regulatory matters related to water quality protection, public infrastructure, water supply and environmental issues.
MARTIN B. FEENEY, PG, CEG, CHg: Martin Feeney has been a consulting hydrogeologist since 1997, providing hydrogeologic consulting services to water agencies, private industry, and engineering firms.
ROBERT JAQUES, P.E.: Bob Jaques has been a private engineering consultant since retiring from the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency in September 2005 after 30 years of service.
VALERIE J. YOUNG, AICP: Valerie Young is a senior environmental planner and water reuse specialist with 29 years of professional planning experience. Since 1993, she has focused her environmental planning work (CEQA/NEPA) on recycled water and water-related projects in California.
And the remaining Tri-W supporters, exclusively anonymous commenters on blogs, that are now in the comical place of being forced to disagree with all of those respected professionals (and, every county official) by clinging to the failed Tri-W project, are...???
Let the hilarity ensue.
It's this...
On one hand, every single official document coming out of the county these days regarding a sewer system for Los Osos, shows that the "Tri-W" project -- a plan for a mid-town "sewer-park" that the 1998 - 2005 Los Osos Community Services District spent over $20 million and seven years developing -- was a a terrible project, on every level, just like I reported it to be, beginning in 2004.
Then, there's the other hand, and here's where that dynamic gets great.
On the other hand, there are the people that either supported the nonsensical Tri-W project, or, much worse, were directly responsible for its development, and they still reside in Los Osos.
Which means, of course, that, today, the people that were responsible for the Tri-W project, and continue to reside in Los Osos, in the face of all of the recent official evidence, still have to... they are forced to... stick with their original Big Lie -- that their mid-town Tri-W "sewer-park," that they spent over $20 million and seven years developing, was a good idea -- that there actually WAS sound rationale behind their project, when, as I have repeatedly shown, there wasn't, and every county document produced on this matter over the past three years proves me 100-percent right.
It's the nature of a cover up -- once you're locked into it, you have to commit to it, even after you've been officially shown wrong.
Which brings us to today, and it's hilarious. The people that either supported or developed the nonsensical Tri-W project, now have to continue to defend their decisions, when there's a mountain of official evidence that shows they were wrong.
Call it a "guilty pleasure," but I can't tell you how much entertainment value I'm getting by watching this play out.
For example, in the comments section of Ann Calhoun's excellent blog, an anonymous, long-time, pro Tri-W honk, with the handle of "Sewertoons," recently wrote:
"That is why I like Tri-W - in town, not expandable - oh, and cheaper."
Here's why that's hilarious:
The Tri-W project, when scrutinized by objective officials (read: NOT 1998 - 2005 LOCSD officials), didn't even make the short list for potential projects.
Furthermore, the National Water Resources Institute, comprised of some of the top water quality professionals in the world, were unanimous: "Given the number of problematic issues with the downtown site (Tri-W), it is the unanimous opinion of the Panel that an out-of-town site(s) is a better alternative."
So, when a Tri-W project developer/supporter, these days, says something like, "That is why I like Tri-W - in town, not expandable - oh, and cheaper," what they are also saying is that every SLO County official is wrong, and every NWRI member is wrong, and they (in this pathetic case, an anonymous blog commenter with the handle of "SewerToons") are right.
To add to the hilarity, nowadays, the only people willing to stick their necks out for the failed Tri-W project, ARE anonymous commenters on blogs... which is exactly what they will do in the comments section below this post. I already know they will, because they have to.
They HAVE TO keep the Big Lie going.
Without it, it will immediately become clear to everyone that the 1998 - 2005 Los Osos CSD wasted over $20 million and seven years on a technological embarrassment, and ripped the town apart in the process.
Also, without the continuation of the Big Lie in some form -- not only am I shown right, but also that the recall of the elected officials responsible for the Tri-W project in 2005 was the exact right thing to do, and the stoppage of the Tri-W project by the officials that replaced the recalled three, was also, the exact right thing to do.
And the people that developed the Tri-W project can never let that happen... at any cost.
They will never be able to say, "Whoa, what were we thinking? A 'sewer-park' in the middle of Los Osos? What a dumb idea."
They can never say something like that... ever.
So, just to emphasize the hilarity that's about to ensue in the comments section below, I'm going to copy-and-paste some of the bio information for the NWRI members, that brilliantly concluded, "Given the number of problematic issues with the downtown site (Tri-W), it is the unanimous opinion of the Panel that an out-of-town site(s) is a better alternative.":
And the remaining Tri-W supporters, exclusively anonymous commenters on blogs, that are now in the comical place of being forced to disagree with all of those respected professionals (and, every county official) by clinging to the failed Tri-W project, are...???
Let the hilarity ensue.