Gibson to Re-Appoint Nash-Karner to Parks Commission, January 4, 2011
2nd District Supervisor, Bruce Gibson, will re-appoint long-time commissioner, Pandora Nash-Karner, to the SLO County Parks Commission this January.
"She (Nash-Karner) will be re-appointed to the Parks Commission at the Board's January 4th meeting," a spokesperson for Supervisor Gibson told SewerWatch, during a recent phone interview.
Nash-Karner was first appointed to the Parks Commission in 1991 by former Supervisor, Bud Laurent, after working as Laurent's "campaign materials manager" throughout his 1990 campaign.
According to county documents, Nash-Karner's current term "expires on January 1, 2011."
More on this developing story to come in future posts on SewerWatch.
[51 weeks down... 1 to go.]
"She (Nash-Karner) will be re-appointed to the Parks Commission at the Board's January 4th meeting," a spokesperson for Supervisor Gibson told SewerWatch, during a recent phone interview.
Nash-Karner was first appointed to the Parks Commission in 1991 by former Supervisor, Bud Laurent, after working as Laurent's "campaign materials manager" throughout his 1990 campaign.
According to county documents, Nash-Karner's current term "expires on January 1, 2011."
More on this developing story to come in future posts on SewerWatch.
[51 weeks down... 1 to go.]
Hi Ron -this is transferred from C-Cannon's
"Ron-"And, according to the county, Tri-W posed the "highest" risk for spills into the National Estuary.
Just curious: Did the Tri-W site just happen to collect a drop or two of water during these storms?
9:38 AM, December 22, 2010"
Alon Perlman said...
Thanks Ron, you opened the Flood Gates. I’m going to repost this to your Blog
- Without re-researching-without clear context to the statements etc... top of my head -what I think and what I know.
I think the Infeasibility of disposal plan had the 100% Broderson element. I think Legros once said on this blog; the 100% Broderson was temporary to the project start and some would be shunted elsewhere. Disposal issues appear in CCC documents throughout the developments of projects. I personally was in active opposition to Broderson until Rob Miller reduced it. Also Tri-W did include tertiary (Along with high maintenance and negative pressure building for odor control, also there was on-site disposal/ grounds maintenance component inconsistent with the location's being a low collecting spot. (On the other hand if you had to have it in-town, the gravity collection is correct. And on the other- other hand bringing your rainwater/stormwater into the same exact spot as your Sewer plant has consequences that seem un-designed into many of the area's Sewer systems- (MB. Avila Creek). But....The County got the 2ndary treated application part wrong- CCC corrected that.
I'm not sure it can't handle slightly more than the 450 AFY but the numbers are locked in now. And any number would have to be dependent on continuous safety monitoring and a reserve capacity to STOP flows, "If".
The 0% Broderson suggested by some, even to this day, is even more impractical.
Alon Perlman, at 1:05 PM, December 22, 2010
Continued- Best for last; WHAT I KNOW-I do monitor progression of the "Midtown site" and the surround on a regular basis. So you bet I was there Monday while it was raining, and Tuesday took a hike post rains (Subsurface collecting phase) to observe directly timed flows through the basin. (Fred Dellagata (LOCAC Traffic and Circ. Chair) was there with me too and we observed that erosion was close to the curb of LOVR roadway and he notified the County).
Last year (January close to the CCC Los Osos WWTP?) there were three (25 year event) successive storms. I rushed back at the ending of the third Storm in time to find the rupture of the final remnants of George Milanese retention pond. Note to self; “Was the Palisades Drainage project completed? Think so”).
So this Monday, there was “A river runs through it” in the location I thought it would, and on Tuesday in the lull (as I already predicted); the TRI-W fenced portion retained NO standing or flowing water. Not quite “Dry as a bone” but close to it.
Where does it go? it actually, this year, worked its way out from the area, without collecting. all the way down Pine and the West edge of the Trailer park where it and the “ lower Broderson “ flows went neatly into the West Sweet Springs Marsh-(and the national estuary if carrying a Sewer spill). But not a disaster to Sweet Springs spring and ponds. I’m not sure if the County included Giacomazzi at the time they stated “highest risk”. ADDED_[a spill there would have different affects.]
I confirmed that last year- this year is Insurance. Your other two “citizen” experts you know- Julie T. identified Willows inside TW fence and Linde Owens knows a lot about the property and has made good public comments about vehicles entering the ESHA, but Linde can’t be shaken from believing that “Overflows at T-W, would go to Sweet Springs”- understood to be meaning the ponds slightly east. It’s a sewer activist thing.
Alon Perlman, at 1:12 PM, December 22, 2010
Ron, Sounds like Jan 4th is your Celebrate Pandora day, so will you be showing up at the BOS for public comment time?
Churadogs, at 6:40 AM, December 23, 2010
Chura writes:
"Ron, Sounds like Jan 4th is your Celebrate Pandora day, so will you be showing up at the BOS for public comment time?"
Shy, little ol' me? At a podium? With cameras, and microphones? And people?
Showing up? Uh, probably not so much. But wait'll you see my written public comments (plural) that I'm going to submit for the public record for that Item.
Oh, it's going to be great!
Ya know, one of the new Supes, Paul Tex-something, has been on the Parks Commission with ol' P., like, forever.
It'll be interesting to see if he's also "behavior based marketed," or, if he sees her for what she is -- an absolute cancer to this entire county, that has cost this county MILLIONS and MILLIONS over the past 12-years-and-counting.
We'll find out on the 4th, eh?
By the way, that would be the PERFECT time for them to Celebrate her 20 years.
Ron, at 9:31 AM, December 23, 2010
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